NY Times Article
Tom Zeller Jr. wrote an editorial for today's NY Times that mentions BooYahoo!.
The entire text can be found here.
It's an excellent article. Thank you Tom!
The entire text can be found here.
It's an excellent article. Thank you Tom!
there's much more to this than simple corporate greed.
Unfortunately, if our government demanded to see certain files, letters, or web site access from any of the numerous companies that provide them,(especially for political gain) you could be sure, it would be given over.This recent incident in China, was an upsetting example, but it was unfortunate that Yahoo was caught in the cross fire.
Our dirty ways of screwing up people's private lives have long been used and abused by too many in our own country. Yet not much is done to stop it.
Why shot arrrows at Yahoo when we need to take stock of our hypocrisy at home!
Hey Jim, any company doing business in China (or any politician visiting the country whose mission is not clearly and only about getting the Chinese around to respecting human rights, for that matter) is directly or indirectly supporting the Chinese government).
If you want to change that, and you're serious about it, I suggest you widen your boycott to including all of those. In addition I expect you to sell everything you have marked "Made in China" and give it to Amnesty International.
Anything else is - well - hypocrisy...
"While we are very interested in giving notice to China's human rights abuses, our focus is to preserve global freedom of speech on the internet."
Congratulations on the recognition in the news article. That's great!
As much as I'm bothered by internet companies' excuse that they must abide by the host country's laws, even when human rights are in question, I do think it's unfair for Yahoo to be so maligned for this particular action. I see you list MSN/hotmail as one alternative to Yahoo - MSN has been under similar scrutiny for complying so easily with China's censorship policies. And what about the personal information that ISPs so willingly hand over to US federal authorities, without notifying the customer? As long as our own authorities require companies to monitor and report clients' activities, it seems shaky for our government and our citizens to lambast Yahoo for this incident, reprehensible as it is.
anonymous. You are absolutely correct. Our hope is that the negative scrutiny that Yahoo! is getting will persuade MSN (and Google) to take a different path if faced with the same decision.
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